Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Trickle-Down Happiness

As a Reagan youth, I remember the hearing about Reaganomics or Trickle-Down Economics. In a nut shell, if you lower taxes on business and the rich, they will then spend money, making everyone rich. While not a cynical youth, I was skeptical. I had an intuition that something just didn't add up. One person who could put my intuition into sentences was economist John Kenneth Galbraith who called the approach "horse and sparrow" economics: "If you feed enough oats to the horse, some will pass through to feed the sparrows."

However, I retract my skepticism after seeing the practice in real life. You see, Liam has been in a much better mood lately - the crying to cooing ratio has switched dramatically. This (in turn) has made K- ebullient. We are talking joy to spare. This happiness(in turn) has made its way down to me. Whether it is horse happiness or sparrow happiness, I cannot say, but beggars can't be choosers.

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