Tuesday, November 07, 2006

K- for President, Senator, Representative, Etc., Etc.

First, a public service announcement: please do your duty today and vote. If you aren't registered, you better be a felon or a foriegner. Otherwise, shame.

Second, I encourage you to vote for K-. For what? I will leave that to you - this is a democracy - but certainly vote for her. Sure, she won't be on any ballot, but there are always a couple of write in spots on the ballot.

Like our politicians, K- isn't perfect, but - I ask you - who of us are? After long bouts without the right amount of sleep, she says things she doesn't mean and throws hot coffee on her assistants.

Unlike our politicians, however, I have found new respect for K- over the past month. It is through her strength, patience, and resolve that Liam is happy and healthy 99% of the time. And, it is through her genuine kindness and care that there is more good than bad each day.

So, a vote for K- is a vote for America. Vote today!

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