Tuesday, December 05, 2006


You may or may not have notice that I have been more than derelict in my duties. I blame it on Liam. He is two months this week and I think that is more than old enough to take over his blog. He hasn't seen it this way.

Along with Liam turning the big 2 mo, other big excitement this week is K- going back to work and me watching Liam all on my own on Mondays and Wednesday through December. While a new challenge for every one involved, 3 days are down and things are already finding a new order for things. While K- will likely never now stop missing Liam every second of the day and I will never be able to decipher all of the giggles, grunts, and cries that K- can, Liam is still growing - healthy, wealthy, and wise.

I will spend the next couple of days trying to catch up on the back log of photos I have.

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