Thursday, January 04, 2007

Why Grandmas Have Plastic Sofas

I have never understood why grandmas use plastic covers to "perserve" their furniture. It sticks to you in summer. It makes awful noises every time you move. I just didn't see that the sofa was worth the pain. However, Liam has become a spitter over the past month.

Last night, Liam started a new stage of life - he went to the regular babysitter (Grandma) for the first time. I stopped to pick him up when he was starting his evening bottle. After two minutes, Mount Liam (he has gotten chunky) erupted on to Grandma and (lucikly) her leather chair. The leather wipes down easy - Grandma probably not as much.

Our couch (that we bought only a couple of years ago) looks like desert camoflauge - tan on tan. I suppose I could offer it up for the war effort.

In any case, Liam has taught me new apprieciation for plasitic sofas and ponchos.

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